Following by Faith
Last Sunday I did music at church. That always means that my husband and I have to drive separate cars because I have to be there so early. After church we were going out with a group of friends for lunch. I took my "gear" to my car while my husband found out where everybody was going to eat. He got into his truck and waved me to follow him. He pulled his truck out of the church parking lot and I set my eyes on his bumper and followed. I had no idea where we were going but I knew he did. I knew that if I got caught behind a slower vehicle, he'd pull over and wait for me. He'd make sure I didn't get lost along the way. He would keep me in his mirror and guide me where ever we headed.
How like this is our walk through this life?
We know the ultimate destination is eternal life in the Lord's presence.
And the road there - well - Jesus leads us all along the way.
We follow
We don't turn to the right or left
We set our sights on Him
Even when He seems so far ahead
Almost out of our line of sight sometimes
He slows
And leads
Fixing our eyes on Jesus the Author and Perfector of our faith.