Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Tonight, I lay in bed and through the open window I begin to hear that magical sound that always thrills my soul.  The breeze is blowing through the tops of the pine trees and as millions of pine needles brush one against the other they make a whispering sound and emit a piny fragrance.  I inhale deeply and savor it. 

It is sweet and comforting.

And as the breeze turns into a wind it grows louder.  It's almost as if the mountains themselves are hissing along with the trees.  Now the tallest pines and oaks begin to creak as the tree-tops start to sway and bend.  I know that in the morning the weakest of the branches will have been naturally pruned and snapped off by the force and will lie on the ground.

It is powerful and exhilarating.

And now the sky begins to sprinkle down it's icy, life-giving bounty.  First rain and then hail and finally gentle flakes of soft downy snow.

It is magnificently beautiful.

And every nuance, every fragrance, every gentle or even alarming sound of this storm only leads me to ONE PLACE!
GOD!  His voice, His gentleness, His power, His grace!!


We filmed this video in the area around our home.  It is NOT professional but it demonstrates the bounty of God in His creation.  I set it to the song "The Voice of God" by 4 Him.  CLICK HERE


  1. beautiful start to my morning...Amazing God!

  2. Thank you for your heartfelt insight. The video looks like Oregon, God has ways to keep each of us close.
